Welcome to the iDiligence Privacy Policy

When you use the iDiligence software, you are relying on how we handle your information. This privacy policy is designed to help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it. It is important to understand this content, so we hope you will take the time to read this policy carefully. Please note that you can find some controls in my account that allow you to manage your information and protect your privacy and security. Privacy policy You choose to use our services, and our goal is to help you clearly understand how we use the information and protect your privacy. Our privacy policy explains the following issues: What information we collect and why we collect it. Our use of this information We provide you with choices, including how to access and update information. We have always sought to simplify the process for our customers, but if you are not familiar with terms such as cookies, IP addresses, and browsers, please first understand the meaning of these key terms. We attach great importance to the privacy issues of all new and old users, so please take some time to learn about our practices. If you have any questions, please contact us. Information we collect We collect information in order to provide better service to all users, including some inferred basic information (such as the language you use). The way we collect information is as follows: The information you provided us For example, many of our services require that you sign up for an iWealthRE account, and when you sign up for a iWealthRE account, we will ask you to provide personal information, such as your name, email address, telephone number, or credit card number, which will be stored under your account name. If you want to take full advantage of the various sharing features we offer, you may also need to create a publicly displayed iWealthRE profile, and your profile may include your name and photo. Device Information We collect device-specific information (such as your hardware model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, and mobile network information including phone numbers). We may associate your device identifier or phone number with your iWealthRE account. Log information When you use our service or view content provided by iWealthRE, we automatically collect certain information and store it in the server log. This type of information includes: Your detailed use of our services IP address Device event information, such as crashes, system activity, hardware settings, browser type, browser language, date and time of your request, and referrer URL. A cookie that uniquely identifies your browser or iWealthRE account. Location information When you use our services, we may collect and process information about your actual location. We use a variety of technologies for positioning, including IP addresses, GPS, and other sensors that provide relevant information. Unique application number Some services contain unique application numbers. When you install or uninstall related services or when these services regularly communicate with our servers (for example, automatic software updates), the system sends this number and installation-related information to iWealthRE. Local storage We may use mechanisms, such as browser web storage (including HTML5) and application data caching, to collect information on your device (including personal information) and store it locally. How we use the collected information We use the information gathered from all services to provide, maintain, protect and improve these services, while developing new services and protecting iWealthRE users. When we use the information for other purposes not specified in this Privacy Policy, we will ask for your consent in advance. Scope of application of privacy policy Our privacy policy applies to iDiligence, the Android documentation software developed by iWealthRE. Changes Our privacy policy may change at any time. We will not reduce your rights under this privacy policy without your explicit consent. We will post any changes to our privacy policy on this page. For significant changes, we will also provide more noticeable alerts of our privacy policy changes (including for certain services, we will send a notification by e-mail explaining the specific changes in the privacy policy). We will also archive the old version of this privacy policy for your reference.

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